Friday, November 26, 2010


Today is Black Friday, no shopping for me. I had to work. Chris and the boys went out after I went to work. Really sweet that they stopped at the scrapbook store and picked me up some tape that was a real good price.

Yesterday was so nice, just the four of us. We had a nice dinner. Watched some of the Macy's parade, played basketball, watched a movie in the evening. Great times together. Wish we had more of them. Low stress days.

Wednesday, November 24, 2010


Today the memorial stone was put in for my brother Danny. They also had a service. I wish I could have been there but it was just his California family. I miss him so much. Strange to lose my two brothers so close together. I am still struggling with dealing with it all. How can this be? Why? What I am to do? Thank goodness for my boys. It makes you really think about what is important. Though somehow I tend to forget in the daily grind of my life. Tomorrow is Thanksgiving, and although I know I should find a lot to be grateful for, I wonder how when this shit happens. I guess I am thankful for waking up on the right side of the grass. (I heard that from somewhere) Healthy boys, etc.

Sunday, November 21, 2010

A little excited

I know it is really not a big deal but my boss asked me to do his coffee sign at work. I want to do a good job. Maybe other people will see the sign and ask who did it and I can get more work. (in my dream world anyways)

I am trying to stay positive with everything else. Evan has middle school drama going on which bugs me. Not much I can do about that. Allan is Allan, hanging in there. Just happy to watch and be able to play football. (he has recovered from a broken collar bone) And Chris is Chris.....hehe Just celebrated 15 years, I celebrated just the good years.

Thanksgiving soon. What am I thankful for? and you?

Saturday, November 6, 2010


A little chilly today. Love when it gets colder outside. We have a fire burning in the fireplace. I am cuddled on the couch with a blanket watching the boys, mom, and Bob play Wii.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Long time since I've written here. Lot has happened. Another brother gone. Now I find it even harder to stay positive. Thank goodness for my two boys. I have to find my way and I know I will.