Sunday, August 30, 2009

On the Farm

These are some pictures taken at Eric's farm. The boys had a blast. They fished, fed cows, chickens, horses, the donkey, etc. Picked fresh veggies for dinner. (not their favorite thing to do and eat) Notice the trout Evan is holding. There is a fish story behind it. But for now, it was caught on a fly rod of Eric's. Evan never ran so fast to show me a fish. He was grinning ear to ear. And Allan, no fear of these large Friesian horses. He was a natural. Riding Todd bare back. So of course their Christmas list is very expensive this year. They want to live on a farm. Evan wants a fly rod and Allan a horse. (on top of the death star lego set that cost $399.00) Dave better start sending me some pennies from heaven.

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